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Introduction: In a world like ours today there is every need to manage funds in every activity being carried out. It is the concern of every firm to control its finances to ensure that unnecessary expenses are avoided. Financial management in a company has proved to be a great task involving the monitor of almost all departments of the company. As such, companies tend to be severe about the tools being used to manage these resources of theirs. This is because financial resources have to do with figures, calculations and computations which may present errors if not properly handled. To this end a computerized system will go a long way to sort many issues in managing financial affairs.

Monitoring power and issuing its bill is the job of Power Holding companies, and they intend to present this information to their customers/subscribers on time and precise. In Nigeria the situation is not different. The Power Holdings Company Nigeria (PHCN) PLC has been on the job for decades now. The issue now is how is it being done and whether the method being used yields the best results? With the growing rate of technology in our world today the question is not far fetched.

The use of manual means of manipulation of records has been proved to have different flaws attached to it so companies are gradually turning on to information technology for aid. Offices are no longer known for the piles of paper and files that it usually had. Rather it is made of devices that make up an automated office system, devices like, desktops, laptops, printers, scanners, etc.

A computerized system according to Friaser, C. (2007), involves the use of computer devices and connections to achieve tasks in a corporate environment. Using this type of system to manage activities will help solve problems of familiar problems being presented by manual systems.

This research project is focused on showing how a computerized system can be modeled to monitor power outage and present bills for it. It studies the characteristics of a computerized system and its components.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Over the years electricity monitoring in PHCN(usually known as NEPA) has been operated using manual systems and this constitute irrespective of its innate and intrinsic shortfall. When customers go to the billing sections to pay up their accrued bills, they get entrapped in long interminable queues to inefficient machines. In light of this, payment of bills turns out to be hard nut to crack for customers. On the other side of PHCN officials, it has been a tedious and cumbersome task to be abreast of the condition of electricity cables, transformers etc, and these inabilities contributes to their poor and torpid attention to critical power problems. As a matter of necessity, only an online, real-time monitoring transaction processing system can revert these plagues associated with manual procedures of power monitoring system.

The question of turning to the computerized system rather than partially automated system which serves which serves as an impediments and discomfort due to poor operating environment becomes another problem to be resolved.
